A site for gathering information about the death of Thomas Jodry

Why This Website


Our precious son, Thomas (“Tommy”) Jodry died on Saturday, September 14, 2019, at 9:49pm, in the City of San Luis Obispo. 

In the instant before Tommy died, he fell from the 3rd floor of the Marsh Street Parking Structure across the street from the Eureka Restaurant. His body was unnaturally distorted from the impact of the fall. He lived a few minutes, uttered a few words to a person at the scene, and died on the way to the hospital.

Tommy was only 21 years old. He was just starting life and was hopeful for the future. 

And he was a wonderful young man. He was a deep thinker and very intelligent. Everyone who really knew him remembers him this way. He always had time to listen to people, and people have often commented on his kindness.

The circumstances of Tommy’s death were disturbing, to put it mildly. It is precisely these peculiar circumstances which have inspired us to start this website. 

We need to find out how Tommy died.

And we need your help. 

We need to find people who may have seen what happened — someone who can tell us what happened to Tommy in the 60 seconds before he fell to his death.

If you have any information whatsoever that could possibly help us to understand how Tommy died, please contact us. You may also contact us at home (805)538-8329. These calls are confidential.

No one knew Tommy better than we did. He has lived with us since he was born. We know his history. We know his moods. We know how he felt almost every day. Tommy was hopeful for the future in the months before he died, up until the day he died. Thomas had just designed a facebook site for his thriving Cactus Business. He had just completed his first two Garden designs for his 805XERISCAPE business and purchased a truck to expand his business. He was recovering from a very serious elbow surgery and was looking forward to white water rafting, going to the beach, and taking his friends along in that new truck. He also had plans to go back to college.

Since this Website was written, we have accumulated a great deal of information, and have worked with several agencies, including the San Luis Obispo Coronors Office. Thomas’s death has been ruled undetermined with a high level of Alcohol being a major contributing factor.

We know through Subpoenaed information, and testimony, that David Allen Knight, age 58, of Atascadero, CA bought 6 rounds of Jamison Whiskey and Patron Tequila during a 1 hour and 10 minute period at the Frog and Peach Bar, with the intentions of getting Thomas beyond intoxicated. Knight was observed not drinking his own drinks, instead swtiching his drink with Thomas, as Thomas finished his. This is documented on the Video from the Frog and Peach Bar.

There were people observing what happened in the Bar, whose pictures are shown elsewhere in this Website. There were also people at the horrible scene at the Marsh Street Parking Structure where this horrible fall occured.

We are asking, that you please contact us, and tell us what you saw, or heard. No piece of information is unimportant.

If you know any of the people involved in this case, please contact us. We are looking for information to what led up to that night, what happened that night, and what has happened since that night.

We thank you for your help.

Bill and Mary Jane Jodry, Thomas’s parents